Click the close icon in the top left of the speech options box or press ‘ Apple ‘ + ‘ W ‘ on the keyboard to close the window.Note: You can edit the list of phrases and add your own, to do so choose ‘ Edit phrase list ‘ from the list in he pop-up menu next to ‘ Speak the phrase: ‘.Click on the pop-up menu next to ‘ Speak the phrase: ‘ to see a list of available phrases and click on one to choose it.In the ‘ Speech ‘ control panel lick the checkbox next to ‘ Speak the phrase: ‘ to turn this option on.You can also have the alert speech start with a phrase, to do this: Click on a delay time on the slider named ‘ Wait before speaking: ‘ below ‘ Speak the alert text ‘ to have the computer speak the dialogue immediately click on ‘ 0′ for a 5 second delay click on ‘ 5′.(No keyboard shortcut).Click the checkbox next to ‘ Speak the alert text ‘ to have your Mac speak the text in dialogue boxes.Click the drop down menu next to ‘ Options: ‘ and Select ‘ Talking Alerts’.Click on the slider next to ‘ Rate ‘ to speed up or slow down the voice.Click on the pop-up menu next to ‘ Voice: ‘ and select a voice, for example ‘ Kathy ‘ by clicking on it and then click the speaker button next to it to play a sample of the selected voice.Click on the ‘ Control Panels ‘ sub-menu and then click on ‘ Speech ‘ to open the ‘ Speech ‘ control panel (No keyboard shortcut).Click on the ‘ Apple ‘ menu (no keyboard shortcut).It does not provide full screen reading but offers speech feedback in dialog boxes and will only speak in some parts of specific applications, for example a Word document. Note: Apple Text-To-Speech technology is a basic text reading facility built in to the operating system, it only provides a framework that other applications can use.