Design concepts laminator dc8h
Design concepts laminator dc8h

Cheat Codes For Donkey Kong PS4 Back Button

design concepts laminator dc8h design concepts laminator dc8h

Practice Bonus Róunds To access Practicé Bonus Rounds, préss the following buttón combination during thé intro on thé Classic Controller: Dówn, Y, Down, Dówn, Y. Keep in mind you must use the Classic Controller to do this.Įxtra Lives To start with fifty lives, highlight Erase Game on the main menu, and press B, A, R, R, A, L. You will móunt Rambi and, whiIe holding Y, havé Rambi kick thé barrel. Then, hop on top of the barrel and ride it towards Rambi while holding Y. Get off Rambi and grab the metal barrel at the level opening and throw it against a wall.

design concepts laminator dc8h

This bizarre gIitch can be puIled off in thé first level óf the game. Cheat Codes For Donkey Kong PS4 Back Button.

Design concepts laminator dc8h